Garden Projects #1: How we Dance in the Wind@Tokyo (14 Jul 2013)















Sunday, 14 July 2013 13:00 – 20:00

Kunitachi, Tokyo

Alasdair Duncan

Kyoko Ebata / Tim Byrnes

Tatsuo Majima

Tatsuo Majima’s performace starting from 15:00

How we Dance in the Wind is a one day show of three artists concerned with how, in the way we relate to them, we can deal with what is troubling about the unknown, undetermined or unseen; including those of the social, political, technological, or environmental. The show will be held in the garden of a house was built before WWII which has been maintained over the years in the spirit of getting by, in a place where it looks like time has stopped.

Alasdair Duncan makes colour saturated signs in a variety of mediums as broadly optimistic stand-ins for the unknown of the future. He is producing two new, light weight, large scale banners to hang from trees in the garden. The signs float in the wind.

Artist Kyoko Ebata and physicist Tim Byrnes have been working on a series of experiments and studies, Nutopia ( including making sealed bottle environments, simple power plants – towards making a simple nuclear powered device to illuminate a small quasi-natural scene, Ebata has also been inventing ceremonies. These activities are recorded as photographs. Their activities work as ways of making of the invisible consequences of Fukushima something quite immediate, something that can be engaged with to understand the world. 

Tatsuo Majima has been undertaking a series of idiosyncratic danced, Dance of the Day – a different two minute dance every day, each set in a different location, filmed and posted on YouTube. The project started from the General Election and which will finish on the Election of the House of Councillors coming on the 21st of July. 

Formally these three artists have very different practices, however their work can be understood as sharing a progressive structural approach to how we deal with what is difficult to digest in the unsayable, unseeable, or unknowable around us.

*Garden Projects #1is the first of a series of garden based art projects located intentionally.

Alasdair Duncan

Artist, b. 1971, lives and works in London, graduated from Goldsmiths BA Fine Art in 1994 and MA Fine Art from The Royal Academy Schools, London, in 2007. He gegularly shows internationally, and is represented by Theodore:Art, NY.

Kyoko Ebata

Artist. lives and works in Tokyo. Graduated from Goldsmiths BA Art History/ Fine Art in 1997. Her works are shown incl. Aichi Triennale 2010 Curatorial Exhibition Competition and The First Mediterranean Biennial of Contemporary Art, Haifa.

Tim Byrnes

Physicist. Current research interests are in theoretical quantum information and Bose-Einstein condensates.

Tatsuo Majima

Artist, b. 1970 in Tokyo. Graduated from Goldsmiths BA Fine Art in 1993. He shows internationally incl. Untitled (All the right moves), TARO NASU, Tokyo, JP, Roppingi Crossing 2007, Sharjah Biennal 2003, and is represented by TARO NASU.

Thank you:  blanClass, TARO NASU, Chiaki Sakaguchi, Miho Shimizu

2013年7月14日(日) 13:00 – 20:00

東京都国立市(JR 中央線国立駅南口より徒歩5分。一橋大学手前)

アレスデール・ダンカン Alasdair Duncan

江幡京子/ティム・バーンズ Kyoko Ebata / Tim Byrnes

眞島竜男 Tatsuo Majima

★眞島竜男パフォーマンス 15:00-

How we Dance in the Windは、戦前に建てられた古い一軒家の庭で行われる一日限りの展覧会です。鬱蒼と木々が繁る時間のエアポケットのような空間で、社会的、政治的、技術的、環境等を含め、わからないもの、未確定なもの、見えないものへの関わり方をテーマに、3組のアーティストがそれぞれのアプローチを展開します。



眞島竜男は、衆議院議員選挙投票日の2012年12月16日に「投票しました!」のツイート数に応じて踊り続けるというパフォーマンス以来、2013年7月21日の参議院議員選挙まで毎日2分間、新しい踊りを踊ってYouTubeにアップするという「今日の踊り」を続けています。今回は会場の庭で「今日の踊り 2013年07月14日」を含むパフォーマンスを行います。




1971年ロンドン生まれ。1994年ロンドン大学ゴールドスミス・カレッジ美術科卒業、2007年ロイヤルアカデミースクール大学院卒業。国内外で発表。Theodore:Art, NY.所属。






現代美術作家。1970年 東京都生まれ。1993年 ロンドン大学ゴールドスミス・カレッジ美術科卒業。「無題(栄光の彼方に) / Untitled (All the right moves)TARO NASU、東京、「六本木クロッシング2007: 未来への脈動」森美術館、東京,「Sharjah International Biennial 6」Sharjah Museum/Expo Center等国内外で発表。

協力:  blanClass,TARO NASU 坂口千秋、 清水美帆

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