Washing Hinomaru in Taiwan

Publicity:『「日の丸の洗濯」、日本を洗う』桑原和久 Kazuhisa Kuwahara, Washing Japanese Flag/ Washing Japan

台湾で久しぶりに行ったパフォーマンス、「Washing Hinomaru 日の丸の洗濯」は、東日本大震災後2013年から行っている日章旗を洗うパフォーマンスです。パフォーマンスは複数の日章旗を町中のコインランドリーの洗濯機で洗濯し、乾燥、アイロンがけをしてたたむという行為を繰り返して行います。日章旗は物干し用のロープで乾燥され、展示物としても機能し、日章旗とその行為は鏡の役割を果たし、見る人によって様々な解釈が存在します。最終的には日本が占領した全ての国に行きたいと思っていて、機会があることに発表しています。






日本人の中に「外国人嫌い」や「日本人は特別で外国人には理解されない何かがある願望」として残されているものの、ほとんどの日本人は第二次世界大戦のことをすっかり忘れています。そして、そうすることで様々な利益を得ています。特に私たちは戦争に負けたのであり、加害者であることは、辛いことなのかもしれません。 様々なケースがありますが、戦争とはそういうものなのかもしれません。加害者はトラウマに悩まされつつ口をつぐんで忘却を望み、皆が被害者としてプロパガンダを繰り返し続けるのです。




The performance ‘Washing Hinomaru’ is a performance that has been held in Taiwan since 2013, after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The performance involves repeatedly washing, drying, ironing and folding multiple Japanese flags in the washing machines at laundromats around town. The Japanese flags are hung out to dry on clotheslines and also function as an exhibit, and the flags and the act of washing them act as a mirror, and there are various interpretations of the work depending on the viewer. Ultimately, I want to go to all the countries that Japan has invaded, and I have performed this work whenever I have the chance.

This time, I was watching the ongoing wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and I felt that I had to do something, but I didn’t know what to do, so I went to Taiwan anyway, thinking that I had to do something.

Even though I had been to Israel and had had the opportunity to speak directly with people from Russia, Ukraine and other conflict zones such as Myanmar, I felt that the information I was receiving was being overwritten in my mind.

One day, when I met a friend from Hong Kong who was visiting Japan, I was very moved when he said, ‘I’ve lost my country’. He was a university professor in Hong Kong, and he was a very gentle person who didn’t make political works. He said that it was difficult to live in Hong Kong, and now he lives in the UK. I was made keenly aware that democracy cannot be maintained without effort.
He told me that Taiwan might end up like Hong Kong, and that really got me thinking. I felt like I had to go there soon, or I might not be able to film there again. I showed my work “Washing the Japanese Flag” in Hong Kong a long time ago, but I don’t think I could do that now.

Also, I have a good friend who has been working in Shanghai for about 10 years now, and while I was thinking about going there one day, the coronavirus hit, and things started to look more and more difficult politically, and I was starting to regret it. Anyway, I felt a sense of crisis that the world was changing rapidly while I was taking it easy.

When I thought about it later, I realised that Hong Kong and Taiwan are in different positions, and there was no need to panic. Also, the people of Taiwan were all very level-headed, and they said, ‘The people at the top are to blame for the past. What’s important now is to do what you have to do and live your days in a calm and collected way. But you should definitely vote.’

I was also able to speak to people from China. While I was able to talk to them and feel the clear differences in education of each country, I managed to feel little self-satisfied, but even when I watch the news and know that it’s a media war, I feel very sad.

That said, war has been going on since ancient times, and various feelings continue to be passed down from generation to generation. As a Japanese person, I’ve been casually assuming that Taiwan likes Japan, but for the Taiwanese people, what is important now is the US and China, and ordinary people enjoy K-POP, so Japan’s presence is something of the past. Even so, what Japan did to Taiwan has not been forgotten, and those who had feelings of affection for Japan have also suffered discrimination, so the feelings are complex. In particular, the way the Japanese military treated the indigenous people is something that is repeatedly discussed in Taiwan as the country establishes its national identity. When I mentioned this to a Taiwanese person, they consoled me by saying, ‘The past is the past, and now we are both earthquake-prone countries, so we are helping each other out.’ I was so moved.

Although there are some Japanese people who are xenophobic or who harbour a desire for something special about the Japanese that foreigners cannot understand, most Japanese people have completely forgotten about World War II. And by doing so, we have gained various benefits. In particular, we lost the war, and being the aggressor must be painful. There are various cases, but that is perhaps what war is like. The perpetrators suffer from trauma and keep quiet, hoping for oblivion, while everyone continues to repeat the propaganda as victims.

Why do people still get drawn into war? It is important to remember the past, but it is equally important to move forward and build and maintain peace.

Is there any way for the people of Israel and Palestine to forget the past and talk to each other? Through my work, I wanted to encourage people to reconsider the past wars and to think about how to turn them into museums, and to find ways of communication for people with diverse opinions. Is it really only the ‘higher-ups’ who are to blame? Is there nothing we can do?

Washing the Hinomaru flag at the laundromat and being able to talk, even if only a little, with people who don’t know about the difficult past wars is a ‘normal’ state of affairs, and it may be that this is a very peaceful thing. I want to cherish this state of affairs.

August 2024

[Documentation Video]

Washing Hinomaru: Fireworks or Bombing?

2024 デジタルビデオ digital video 34:04:06

『また侵略してこないですよね? 』”I have a question: Why did the Japanese start the war at that time while they were all very nice ?” “The Japanese won’t do it again now, right?”

『私が一番怖いのは、戦争も嫌いだし、暴力も反対だけど、もしその場にいたら、周りに流されて暴力を振るってしまうんじゃないかということです』 “What I fear is, although I hate war and against violence, if I was in that situation, I would probably be swept away and do it. “我最擔心的是,雖然我痛恨戰爭,反對暴力、如果我身處那種境地 我很可能會被暴力沖昏頭,做出這種事。

“Of course, I hope Taiwan to come back to China.But I don’t like to start a war. If there is a peaceful way, I want Taiwan to be back.” “我希望台灣能回歸于中國。“我不喜歡戰爭,如果有和平的方式解決是最好的。”

『中国人的観点から見ると、中国は1949年に中華人民共和国が成立して以来、他の国に侵略をしていないです。中国から喧嘩を売ることはないけれど、やられたら絶対やり返します』”From a Chinese point of view, China has not invaded since becoming the People’s Republic of China in 1949. China won’t start a fight, but if it gets attacked, China will fight back. ” 從中國的角度來看,自從中華民國於1949年成立之後,中國也沒有入侵台灣。中國不會開戰,但是如果真的有打仗的話,中國也不會坐以待斃。

『もしその時が来たら、銃撃戦が始まるでしょう』”If the time comes, we’ll start a battle.” 如果到時候發生了,還是會開槍。”

『(それでは)まだどこにも平和はありませんね』“I think peace means social equality.If that cannot be achieved, then there is no peace.” “There is no peace anywhere then.” 我認為和平就是社會平等如果不能實現,就沒有和平。那麼任何地方都不會有和平。

Interview/Translator: 沈亮慧 Lianghui Shen
Translation:徐莹芯 Emily Chu, 熊熊 Koala

Christopher Adams
天野太郎 Taro Amano
F. アツミ F. Atsumi
粟田大輔 Daisuke Awata
Sophie Chiang
范如菀 Juju Fan
池端規恵子 Kieko Ikehata
稲垣立男 Tatsuo Inagaki
柁谷直希 Naoki Kajiya
桑原和久Kazuhisa Kuwahara
Michael Lin
三井圭司 Keishi Mitsui
みずうみ Mizuumi
良知 暁 Akira Rachi
Beat Streuli
杉田敦 Atsushi Sugita
Hou I Ting
John Tran
Heidi Voet


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